Wall of Shame

Some common and some not so common issues found in the home...

Below you will find a collection of photos from actual home inspections that deserve some recognition for being potential safety risks, or health risks or just plain amusing. Enjoy!

Click on the images for a larger view.


This was the back yard of a recently remodeled row home in downtown Baltimore. That set of wires you see dangling on the ground is the 200 Amp main electrical service for the house! Someone forgot to call BGE once the restoration was complete...





An orange extension cord from Home Depot is not designed to be used for permanent outdoor wiring. This is a classic example of Harry homeowner trying his hand at being an electrician.






This exhaust pipe from the gas furnace didn't quite make it out of the attic! Three sheet metal screws will go a long way here.






I know it's called "Duct Tape," but that doesn't mean you actually use it on heating ducts! This homeowner got real creative with attempting to heat part of his home.






Ahh, the classic "double tap!" This is a view from the inside of a electrical panel where someone decided to insert two wires into the same breaker. (second from the bottom) This can cause the breaker to be overloaded and possibly lead to premature tripping and electrical fires!





I know those rods on that antenna look skinny... But believe it or not, you're essentially looking at a giant kite attached to that chimney. Over time, the antenna will push and pull on the chimney and cause it to fall apart.





This homeowner rarely opened the cabinet under the sink!






I like mulch in my flower bed as much as the next person, but this homeowner might have gone a little overboard... This much mulch against the side of the house can lead to water and pest penetration problems real quick!





Hmmm. Exposed electrical wires + wood + old insulation = TROUBLE!!! This electrical application in the attic needs a junction box to contain the wires safely.